Master the Bullseye: The Best Arcade Dart Games for Adults

Discover the best arcade dart games for adults! From Cricket to 501, hit the bullseye and level up your dart skills.
arcade dart games

Popular Dart Games

When it comes to arcade dart games, there are several popular options that provide hours of fun and competition. Let’s take a closer look at three of the most well-known dart games: Cricket, The 01 Games (301 and 501), and Around the World.

Cricket Game Overview

Cricket is one of the most famous and widely played dart games. The objective of the game is to close all the numbers 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the Bull. It can be played in teams of two or as a 1-on-1 game. The key to winning in Cricket is to maintain the lead in points. Players take turns throwing darts, and each time a player hits a number, they “close” that number and score points. The player or team that closes all the numbers first and has the highest point total wins the game.

For a more detailed understanding of the rules and gameplay, you can refer to our article on cricket dart game rules.

The 01 Games (301 and 501)

The 01 Games, including 301 and 501, are popular among competitive dart players. In these games, the goal is to reach zero by subtracting the score of each throw from the starting total (301 or 501). Players aim at numbers 19 and 20 to score higher points. The inner bull’s eye is worth 50 points, while the outer bull’s eye is worth 25 points. The strategic aspect of The 01 Games lies in planning each turn to minimize the score and reach zero as quickly as possible.

To dive deeper into the rules and strategies of The 01 Games, check out our article on dart game rules.

Around the World Game

For a more casual and social dart game experience, Around the World is a popular choice. In this game, players take turns throwing darts and aim to work through the numerical sequence on the dartboard from 1 to 20. The objective is to hit each number in order, starting with 1 and moving clockwise around the board. The first player to successfully hit all the numbers and finish on the 20 wins the game. Around the World is a great practice game for beginners and can be enjoyed in groups.

To learn more about the rules and techniques for playing Around the World, visit our article on around the clock dart game.

These popular dart games offer a range of challenges and excitement for dart enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you prefer the strategic gameplay of The 01 Games or the casual fun of Around the World, there’s a dart game to suit every player’s style. So gather your friends, practice your aim, and get ready to master the bullseye!

Fun Dart Games

When it comes to arcade dart games, there are several exciting options that can bring endless entertainment for adults. In this section, we will explore two popular and fun dart games: Legs and Killer.

Legs Game Details

Legs is a thrilling dart game that challenges players to aim for the highest possible number of points. The objective of the game is to accumulate points by targeting specific numbers, typically focusing on numbers like 20 and 19. Unlike other dart games such as Cricket, Legs does not have any in and out requirements. It is similar to the 301 and 501 dart games, but without the specific rules regarding finishing the game.

To play Legs, each player takes turns throwing three darts per round. The total points scored in each round are added to the player’s overall score. The game continues until a predetermined number of rounds or until a player reaches a specific score target. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Killer Game Rules

Killer is an exciting dart game that requires precision and strategy. This game is typically played with a minimum of three players. To begin, each player chooses a random number as their “killer” number. The objective of the game is to hit doubles only and eliminate your opponents while protecting your own lives.

The rules of Killer are as follows:

  1. Each player takes turns throwing three darts per round.
  2. To become a “killer,” a player needs to hit the double of their chosen number. For example, if a player selects the number 10, they must hit the double 10 (20 points) to become a killer.
  3. Once a player becomes a killer, they can target the doubles of other players’ numbers to eliminate their opponents. Hitting another player’s double results in that player losing a life.
  4. However, hitting your own double will cause you to lose a life as well. Each player starts with a set number of lives (typically three) and continues playing until they lose all their lives.
  5. The last player remaining with lives is declared the winner.

Killer is a game that requires skill, accuracy, and the ability to strategize when to attack and when to defend. It adds an element of suspense and competition to your dart game session.

By exploring these fun dart games, you can add excitement and variety to your arcade experience. Whether you choose to play Legs or Killer, make sure to follow the rules and enjoy the thrill of hitting the bullseye. Happy darting!

Additional Dart Game Options

In addition to the popular dart games mentioned earlier, there are several other exciting dart games that can provide hours of entertainment. Let’s explore three of these additional dart game options: American Cricket, Around The Clock, and Chase The Dragon.

American Cricket Explained

American Cricket is a well-known darts game that adds an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay. The objective of the game is to close all the numbers 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and the Bull. This game can be played in teams of two or as a one-on-one competition, making it versatile and adaptable to different group sizes and settings.

To play American Cricket, each player takes turns throwing three darts. The player must aim to hit the desired numbers and score as many points as possible. Hitting a number three times will “close” that number for the player, meaning they no longer need to aim for it. The Bull is usually considered closed after hitting it once.

In American Cricket, maintaining the lead in points is crucial. The player or team that successfully closes all the numbers and has the highest point total wins the game. It’s a game that requires both skill and strategy, making it a favorite among dart enthusiasts.

Around The Clock Game Rules

Around The Clock is a classic and straightforward dart game that is perfect for beginners or those looking for a fun way to practice their aim. The objective of the game is to hit the numbers on the dartboard in numerical order, starting from 1 and ending at 20. Players take turns throwing three darts at each number, aiming to hit it before moving on to the next.

To make the game more challenging, players can add the bullseye segment at the end of the sequence. This means that after hitting the number 20, players must aim for the outer bullseye and then the bullseye itself to complete the game.

The winner of Around The Clock is the first player to successfully hit all the required numbers in order, including the bullseye if included. It’s a game that tests accuracy and consistency, making it a great option for honing dart throwing skills.

Chase The Dragon Game Play

Chase The Dragon is an exciting darts game that can be played individually or in a group setting. The objective of the game is to hit treble segments from 10 to 20 in sequence, followed by the outer bullseye and then the bullseye itself. The game can be played for individual practice or as a friendly competition among players.

To begin, players start by aiming for the treble 10 segment. Once they successfully hit it, they move on to the treble 11, then the treble 12, and so on, until they reach treble 20. After hitting treble 20, players aim for the outer bullseye and then the bullseye to complete the sequence.

Chase The Dragon is a game that challenges players’ accuracy and precision. It can be a great way to improve dart throwing skills and add some friendly competition to your dart game sessions.

By exploring these additional dart game options, you can expand your repertoire and keep your dart game nights fresh and exciting. Whether you choose to play American Cricket, Around The Clock, or Chase The Dragon, these games offer a variety of challenges and enjoyment for dart enthusiasts of all skill levels.

Selecting the Right Dartboard

When it comes to selecting a dartboard for your arcade dart games, there are several factors to consider. In this section, we will discuss the importance of a removable number ring and considerations for dartboard ink.

Importance of a Removable Number Ring

A key feature to look for in a dartboard is a removable number ring. This ring plays a crucial role in gameplay and the longevity of the dartboard. By spreading wear across the board, a removable number ring helps to maintain the integrity of the dartboard and extend its lifespan. Additionally, it allows for easy adjustments to correct alignment, ensuring that the scoring areas are properly aligned for fair and accurate gameplay.

When a dart strikes the dartboard, it can cause damage to the surface over time. Having a removable number ring allows you to rotate the board periodically, distributing the wear and tear evenly. This helps to prevent excessive wear in specific areas and prolongs the overall lifespan of the dartboard.

Considerations for Dartboard Ink

The ink used to color the dartboard is another important consideration. A dartboard with rich, vibrant colors is crucial for clear visibility, making it easier to hit the bullseye and accurately score points. Clear visibility of the scoring sections enhances the overall gameplay experience.

When choosing a dartboard, look for one that uses eco-safe food-grade inks. These inks are not only long-lasting but also safe for players and the environment. They provide vibrant colors that remain vibrant over time, ensuring that you can enjoy your arcade dart games with clear visibility.

To ensure the best quality and visibility, it is recommended to choose a dartboard that uses high-quality ink. This will prevent fading or smudging of the colors, ensuring that the dartboard remains visually appealing and easy to read.

To protect the integrity of the dartboard and maintain its appearance, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight or excessive moisture. This can cause the ink to fade or the dartboard surface to warp, negatively impacting gameplay.

By considering the importance of a removable number ring and the quality of dartboard ink, you can make an informed decision when selecting the right dartboard for your arcade dart games. For more information on different types of dart games and other factors to consider, check out our article on popular dart games.

Choosing Between Dartboard Types

When it comes to selecting a dartboard, players have two primary options to consider: bristle dartboards and electronic dartboards. Each type offers its own unique playing experience, catering to different preferences and skill levels.

Bristle Dartboards

Bristle dartboards are reminiscent of the traditional boards found in pubs and taverns across England. These boards are typically made of sisal or hemp, providing a durable and self-healing surface. Bristle dartboards are the preferred choice for serious dart players and tournaments, as they offer an authentic playing experience.

One of the key advantages of bristle dartboards is their ability to accommodate steel-tipped darts. These darts, often made of tungsten or brass, provide a weighted feel and enhance precision. The sisal or hemp material on the board’s surface effectively holds the dart, minimizing bounce-outs and allowing for accurate scoring.

Electronic Dartboards

Electronic dartboards, on the other hand, offer a different style of play and a range of features suitable for both professional players and beginners. These boards are typically made of plastic and have tiny holes where darts stick upon making a precise hit. The board then sends a message to an internal computer to calculate the score.

One of the advantages of electronic dartboards is their versatility. They come in various styles and sizes, offering different game options and scoring variations. Electronic dartboards are particularly popular in casual settings and provide an interactive playing experience for players of all skill levels.

Electronic dartboards also offer the advantage of safety. They typically come with plastic-tipped darts, reducing the risk of injury. However, for those who prefer a more authentic playing feel, steel-tipped darts can also be used with electronic boards.

When choosing between bristle and electronic dartboards, it’s important to consider your preferences and playing style. Bristle dartboards provide a more authentic feel and are favored by serious dart players, while electronic dartboards offer versatility and various features suitable for different player preferences.

Both types of dartboards, whether bristle or electronic, offer an entertaining and versatile game suitable for various spaces like bars or game rooms. They are perfect for facilitating competitions or entertaining guests during gatherings. For more information on different types of dart games, check out our article on popular dart games.

No matter which type of dartboard you choose, remember to practice good dartboard maintenance, such as rotating the board periodically and using a proper wall bracket for stability. With the right dartboard, you can enjoy countless hours of fun and competitive play with friends and family.

Dartboards: Tips for Purchase

When it comes to purchasing a dartboard, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the right one for your needs. In this section, we will discuss two important tips for purchasing a dartboard: proper dartboard packing and the benefits of a dartboard wall bracket.

Proper Dartboard Packing

When buying a dartboard, it is best to start fresh and avoid used dartboards. Used dartboards may have flattened framing and a reduced playing surface over time, affecting the quality of your gameplay. To ensure you receive a dartboard in optimal condition, proper packing is essential (Game Exchange).

A well-packed dartboard should have a sturdy outer case that protects the inner dartboard during shipping. It is important to check for any damages upon delivery. If the outer case shows signs of damage, there is a possibility that the inner dartboard may have been affected as well. Inspect the dartboard carefully to ensure it is in perfect condition before installation.

Dartboard Wall Bracket Benefits

When setting up your dartboard, it is recommended to choose a dartboard that comes with a wall bracket. A wall bracket is a convenient accessory that holds the dartboard securely in place on the wall. This eliminates the need for finding and purchasing a bracket separately, saving you time and effort.

Leaning a dartboard against a wall is not advised as it can lead to instability during gameplay. With a wall bracket, you can securely mount the dartboard at the correct height and ensure it remains stable throughout your darts session. This allows for a more enjoyable and consistent playing experience.

By investing in a dartboard with a wall bracket, you can easily and securely mount your dartboard without any hassle. This ensures that your dartboard remains stable and provides an optimal playing surface for accurate throws.

Remember, when selecting a dartboard, it’s important to consider other factors such as the presence of a removable number ring and the type of dartboard material. A removable number ring helps in gameplay and longevity by spreading wear across the board and allowing for easy adjustments to correct alignment. Additionally, there are different types of dartboards available, including bristle dartboards and electronic dartboards. Bristle dartboards are reminiscent of traditional boards found in pubs and taverns, while electronic dartboards offer additional features and game variations (Games For Fun).

By following these tips and considering your individual preferences, you can select a dartboard that meets your needs and provides endless hours of dart-throwing fun.

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